Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In Yo Face!

I get a lot of people tell me that they can't get a good pic of their pet.  Either because their pet is too rambunctious or because they are camera shy (yes pets can be camera shy) and they move away as soon as they see the camera.

How do I do it? (That's the question I get asked a lot right after I capture that fleeting moment the pet parent didn't think I would get)  Well it's simple, actually.  I listen to a little song that plays in my head by GnR...Patience.  No, seriously, all we need is patience.  That little virtue that no one seems to have now a days.  I find that if I just sit (& stay) the moment presents itself.  After all, inevitably your pet will come to realize "aw heck, this guy ain't leaving, and he's gonna keep putting that camera in my face, might as well go play now."  And then, just like that...snap!  The moment that everyone was waiting for appears as your pet relaxes and their true self emerges!  Those are THE BEST moments!  The ones that only you know and see, day in and day out.  Captured right there digitally, and preserved forever, and all it takes is a few minutes of waiting/watching and perseverance and...poof!  The magic happens right before your camera's eye.

Unlike human models, you really can't tell your pet what to do (well you can but they are not going to listen) and how to pose.

So the other thing you need to do is relax.

Let your pet be themselves, don't try to force them to do something you think will be the perfect pose.  If you haven't figured it out by now, they know best and they're gonna do what they want to.  So let them.  And don't keep calling out to them to "get the shot".  They're gonna ignore you regardless, so just sit back, keep your camera pointed at your pet, then wait.  Let them do the modeling.  I promise, you will get that shot.  Actually, you will get a shot you never even thought of!  And it will be better than what you were expecting.  Then, in the background, as you hem and haw over the perfect pic you just got, you'll hear a soft voice saying "mmhm, told you I know what I'm doing".  :)

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