Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

Yay, so Christmas time is upon us yet again!  We just finished our first Christmas shoot of the season and we all had a blast!

It's a lot of work getting everything set up, organized, scheduled, and then put together the day of.  As a matter of fact, Lisa mentioned the very same thing this morning as we were loading Santa's chair in my truck, "I think it would be sad if we weren't doing  these shoots...this is a lot of fun!".

And I agree.  As time-consuming and tedious as it is getting it all put together, while the shoot is going on, and the Christmas music is playing and the pups, or kids, are posing and are in awe of Santa, I sometimes step back and take a look at it all and love every minute of it!

It's so much fun to see the pups come in and be totally and completely excited, or to see a little boy or girl walk in and see Santa sitting in his chair.  Or to see parents come in and not have realized Santa was in town and turn right back around to go pick up their kids or it!

Well, the shoot is long over, the pizza is ordered, and the gang and I are kicking back about to watch a movie as we reminisce about the day's events...can't wait till our next shoot!

Until then... enjoy some of the shots from our first Santa shoot of the season.

And let me be the first to say...Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tumbled on to Tumblr!

Hello all!  Just wanted to blog about our new blog on Tumblr (

I don't think it will replace this one as I still like how this blog's features and how it runs.  Besides, in today's world, the more social media the

Enjoy!  Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My buddy IS Jesus!

Ok, so in observance of it being Sunday, I am going to go semi-religous on y'all.

During our shoot today, as we were testing our lighting, Holly posed Buddy Jesus style and EVERYONE got in on it.  So I'm blogging about it :D  Happy Sunday, enjoy!

Even my pup Wobbs got in on it!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Prepping for a Shoot

With every shoot that I do, I ALWAYS have to prepare for the shoot.

Check the location.  Look to see what look will be good in which location.  Check the lighting in the location.  What props (if any) we will use and where.

That being said the most important thing for me to do is to set up and set my lighting.  And here's how I test my lighting!

Hope you have a good a week as I have had this weekend!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mobile Photographer

Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone either market
offers really neat (yes neat…in this case, this word best suits the description
:p) options in mobile pic taking!

I absolutely love where technology is today.  And as a photographer, especially in
today’s market, you kinda have to be a techie too.  I am no exception as I am ecstatic over my HTC EVO and the
apps for the “camera phone”.  I
continually keep searching and am on the lookout for the latest, greatest
camera app.  Just the other day I
found one that will actually (almost) allow me to take a pic and post produce
it as if I were using one of the “Big Boy” editing software!  It is freakin awesome! 

No, it does not take the place of my beefy Canon 7D, but,
neither do I want to be lugging that bad boy around with me everywhere I
go…well I do, but it’s not convenient.
And no, my EVO does not produce the same quality pics that my pro glass
does, but I can keep my phone in my pocket and snap a quick shot ANYWHERE! 

I would look very silly, and weird, if I walked around
everywhere with my 7D (as pictured on this page ===>) in my pocket :p

Just take a look at what can be done with the right phone
and camera app paired together!

As a matter of fact...I posted this whole blog right from my phone as well! ;)

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Ok, so it's been a LONG time since my last blog. But trust me, it has been on my mind the entire time. 

"What do I blog about, what do I blog about?" over and over in my head.
 Well...I finally came up with something.  I am blogging about what to do when your creative fizzle goes flat.

What's the secret? What do you do?
If you are an artist- in any respect, writer, painter, photographer, model etc. you do nothing.   That's right, nothing.  Live.  That is all there is to it. Go through each day with all your senses on!  See, smell, touch, feel, embrace everything!

Don't stress about what to "look for" to be your muse.  Your inspiration.   Let it manifest itself.  Then, only then, will you be able to produce your special art.  The aesthetic that makes you, you.  Hey...that's not to say that if you see someone else's work and you want to try that, or change it up and give it your own flare, you shouldn't. Go for it!  Just don't plagiarize or copy it to a "T".  Make it represent you and your ideas.   Go ahead and let someone else's work give you the inspiration.   After all, that is our main objective, our priority, our lot in life as an inspire others with our vision and art.  Right?

Same goes for sleeping. (-_-)  Did you know that even though you sleep (or, technically, pass out and lose consciousness) your brain keeps going at a 1000 miles a second?  Yup, it's trying to resolve issues and solve the problems of your day.  If it didn't we'd all be CRAZY!

So if thoughts are keeping you up (or rather, conscious) let them! happens anyway.

I find that if I can't sleep cause I got too much on my mind, I relax. I let my body relax so that it is ready for the next day, and let my mind wander. Eventually, I lose consciousness and wake up later!

Moral of the story...don't stress over lack of artistic oomph or sleep.
Certainly don't let your lack of artistic oomph cause you to lose sleep.
Just breathe in, and breathe out...then repeat.

The inspiration will come, I promise.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Puppy Pictures...a must!

"Oh my Gosh!  This puppy is soooo keey-oot!!!"  

Yep, that's how they get you.  Those big, soulful eyes.  Or the pudgy, scrunchy face.  How about that puppy "bref" and the plump puppy "tummeh"?  However they nab you, they do.  And just like have a new addition to your family.  Now that you have this rolling ball of fun, this flip-floppy, ear flapping bundle of energy, you sit back and enjoy the "puppiness" that is your brand new baby.  But like a brand new car, or a new born baby, that new puppy breaf smell, and super adorable puppy face (and size) grows all up!  

The transition was almost non-existant.  Now you have an adolescent pup, or an adult canine and either they are frustrating you because they're getting into everything, or they become apathetic and nothing compels them to run around and play anymore.  I've got one question for you...did you get some puppy pics made back when your pal was a pup?

Some people take it for granted.  I even had a friend tell me "not everyone thinks of getting their puppies picture taken..."  to wit I responded, "that's why I need to inform them!"  And so begins the informing...

If you are a parent of a human child, I am pretty certain you have several, if not a plethora, of pictures of your child.  You may even have a portrait taken of your child/children documenting their every year.  But did you, or are you, going to have portraits made of your puppy? 

Well…you should.

Puppies grow up a lot faster than kids…a lot.  The longer you wait on having their pics taken, the bigger they will get.  Take for example Julian and Angelo.  

The first time I saw them was a week ago when they first came into rescue.  They were cute, yes, but they were lackadaisical and only wanted to be held and to sleep.  Yesterday, during the shoot, it was all we could do to wrangle them up and have them (somewhat) in front of the camera.  They were EVERYWHERE!  Curious.  Sniffing.  Playing.   I’m sure by next week they will be talking and getting their driver’s license!

So to those of you that “don’t have the time” or don’t think it’s that important…just look at these pics.  If you didn’t at one point in time say/think “Awwww” and pout you lip and yearn to swaddle one of these pups as you looked, nay drooled over, said pics, then I excuse you from ever getting your pup’s pic taken.  For the rest of you (which is probably everyone who set their eyes on the pics) get your puppy’s pic taken.  They are priceless, they last forever and, most importantly, the picture and memory will never grow up :)

Puppies Don't Stay Puppies Forever

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Say me, Say you

Usually the "About Me" section on mine or anyone else's website or Facebook, Twitter etc account elaborates on awards won, honors and prestige, how many years I've done this and who's picture someone took and blah blah blah...

Well, this once, I want to tell you a little bit about me...then, I would like to know a little about you (since we're in the sharing mood).  One thing about me is that there are a few things that I WILL NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT.

1.  My wallet (duh)

2.  My ninja knife (another duh)

3.  My watch

4.  My car keys

5.  My shades

What are you MUST HAVE things you don't ever leave home without?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fashion Portrait vs. Pet Portrait

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of doing a photo shoot with a friend and talented fellow photog Ruby Byrne of Ruby Byrne Photography here in San Antonio.  We were booked to shoot some fashion sets with some very talented models, Natalia Madrigal, Rita Nova AND from America's Next Top Model Sara Longoria!

I know some of you are asking "But Abe, you do pet photography"  well...that is just one facet of my skill set.  I am, in effect, a portrait photographer.  By that I mean that I specialize in capturing portraiture, be it a pet or a person, model or bride, graduate or child.  That being said, what's the difference?  Glad you asked...

When it comes to making a portrait of either a pet or a person, there is very little difference.  The main difference is that you can direct a person on how you want them to pose or model.  Um...that hasn't worked for me yet when it comes to directing a pet :/  they pretty much tell you what they want to do, you follow.  However, sometimes, when you are working with talented models such as ANTM model Sara Longoria, you can also follow as they change their pose ever so slightly.  It's a sort of dance the photographer and model do, and WOW is it fabulous!

With a pet, you are at their beck and call.  You have to continually watch them through the lens and see their personality emerge, then you have to know when to snap the shutter and capture it.  In order to accomplish this, you have to sit and wait.  You have to have A LOT of patience.  You have to enjoy watching and being with your subject.  The only dance is the dance the pet is doing, you are just there to enjoy the show and hopefully get the shot that shows who they are.

The only other difference I can think of, and it somewhat pertains to the aforementioned, with pets, you have to be calm!  On a fashion shoot, or a wedding, the mood is exhilarating...go go go!  If there are several models, you have to get one ready, get her on set, then while she's getting her shots in, the other one is getting changed, hair and make up done, then switch models, change location, yada yada yada.  As such, with weddings (especially when I am scheduled all day) it's get to the salon, get those shots, get to the church/chappel/ceremony area, get in position, make sure second shooter is in position, switch positions for next stage of ceremony, get to reception/reception hall, take pics of get the picture (pun intended).

You cannot, nor do you have to be, on the "go go go" with pets.  In fact, it behooves you to be in a relaxed, calm frame of mind.  So, even the dress attire is more casual.  You almost have to be non-present to accomplish what you are there to do.  Yes, at first the pet is going to want to know who is invading their space.  But as they get used to you, they let loose and let you see who they truly are.

Other than those differences, there really is no other distinction in creating the portrait.  You have to have proper lighting.  You have to know your subject and what your final product is going to be.  You kinda have to have some assistance in either moving your light, doing hair and makeup, distracting or getting the pet's attention, giving them treats (both models and pets ;)   ) so that you can focus primarily on taking the picture.  All the technical aspects HAVE to be there regardless of who you are shooting.  A portrait is a portrait regardless of your subject.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Super Quick Blog cause I'm Super Excited!

I just got word that I will be a featured Pet Photographer in the nationally published American Dog Magazine!  I have had some of my pics published in this magazine before, but this is the first time that I have actually had a bio AND my pic in a national magazine that is distributed in stores like Barnes and Noble, Whole foods and Borders!  I am so stoked about this I can hardly contain myself!

My article is on page 86 and the actual magazine will be hitting bookstands this coming month, June 2011!

(pssst) keep checking in periodically as I will soon be posting about a shoot I recently did that includes a model and a popular t.v. show!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

LAFMIL - Origins

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  ~ Juliet  Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

I have been asked many times to repeat the name I bestowed upon my photography business.  I have been asked how to spell it, and I have been asked what it means. is the origin of LAFMIL photography.

Aside from having been adept at snapping pics early on, and having grandeurs of actually doing something I love and living off of it, I imagined the name of my craft being something unique.  A name that would stand out from the rest.  A title that would harbor thoughts of happiness (because, after all, don't memories caught forever bring us joy?).  Much like my skill, the name evolved unto itself.

Quite literally it came to me one night whilst in a dead sleep.

Up until the time that I christened my business, I was still nurturing my love of creating images.  Knowing that forming an actual business and living off of it would mean individuality in this arena, I did not want to present the populace with the usual "John Doe" photography.  During the time I was pondering the thought of said name, we had already had a sizable fur family.  Six to be precise.  I must also include that along this beaten path we had the misfortune of losing a pup to the big "P", parvo, it becomes relevant in just a bit.  Our kiddos were the inspiration for my specializing in pet portraiture.  Capturing these pups' very essence in picture came so easy for me.  Ergo, it made sense to honor them by somehow including them in this venture.  I made an effort to include each one of their names, especially little Fred who went to the bridge after a courageous battle against the big "P" (see told you).  However, tried as I might, I could not create a sensible title for the passion that would encompass my every day upon its inception.  

As we lie asleep, our minds continue to resolve the issues of the day.  Even problems that we maintain on the back burner.  If we didn't we would quite literally go mad.  As such, my mind systematically pieced together a word that would encompass the names for each of my pups and foster happiness and that warm fuzzy feeling.  LAFMIL.  Pronounced "laugh mill" it occurred to me that it could be considered a laugh factory where laughs are made.  All while including the first initial of each of the pups and being quite unique.

What are their names?  Glad you asked...


(but we just call him Beans)



(I know, you're right, two "M"s.  But we just morphed it into one.)


(We call her Belle for short)  and...



Some of the folks that know us, know that we have adopted other kiddos since then.  And as much as I would like for them to be somehow inducted into the formula, I rest, and have resigned myself, in knowing that 1) the pups contributing to the name are the "founding fathers" (as it were) and 2) the other kiddos, I'm sure, will understand.

Abe Ortiz
LAFMIL (laugh mill)  Photography