Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

Yay, so Christmas time is upon us yet again!  We just finished our first Christmas shoot of the season and we all had a blast!

It's a lot of work getting everything set up, organized, scheduled, and then put together the day of.  As a matter of fact, Lisa mentioned the very same thing this morning as we were loading Santa's chair in my truck, "I think it would be sad if we weren't doing  these shoots...this is a lot of fun!".

And I agree.  As time-consuming and tedious as it is getting it all put together, while the shoot is going on, and the Christmas music is playing and the pups, or kids, are posing and are in awe of Santa, I sometimes step back and take a look at it all and love every minute of it!

It's so much fun to see the pups come in and be totally and completely excited, or to see a little boy or girl walk in and see Santa sitting in his chair.  Or to see parents come in and not have realized Santa was in town and turn right back around to go pick up their kids or it!

Well, the shoot is long over, the pizza is ordered, and the gang and I are kicking back about to watch a movie as we reminisce about the day's events...can't wait till our next shoot!

Until then... enjoy some of the shots from our first Santa shoot of the season.

And let me be the first to say...Merry Christmas everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Just a little bit (a lot) jealous I don't live closer. Can't we move Faht Wuhth closer to San Antone? Please?!?!?

    And, man, Santa looks familiar. :D
