Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fashion Photo Shoot

Was at a rehearsal for a fashion show that I will be shooting next week.  I can't decide which aspect of my photography I enjoy doing more, pet portrait, landscape/botanical, or fashion.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all aspects of what I do, but each one evokes different emotions.

Pet portraiture is SO much fun, and (not to be immodest) it comes really easy to me.  I love to be around pets/animals.  I feel as if I have a natural connection to them and I ALWAYS receive comments about how their pet is never that comfortable around anyone else.  And just like that, I am able to capture their pet's true persona.

Landscape/Botanical photography is the "beautiful" side to my photography.  I love to see, smell and be around and within plants and flowers and in an completely serene environment.  My mood becomes so relaxed and calm.  I don't ever have to try at getting good shots with plants, mother nature does it all on her own.  Sometimes just the vibrant color of a bright red flower beaming in the sun makes the picture.

And then there's fashion photography.  I don't know if it's the glitz and glam of the models, the buzz of the people around the catwalk or the models barreling down that catwalk in fabulous clothes and accessories...but I get a HUGE adrenaline rush as I'm snapping away throughout the show.  I love the prep that goes into it, the anticipation just before the show starts, and then BOOM! the first model stomps the runway and the lights start to pop!  Then the posing, the looking straight down the lens, the sassy flirtation at the crowd...sooooo much fun!

I guess I can use the analogy that the different aspects of my photography are like your very own children.  You love them all for the different persons they are, but you love them all just the same.

Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them! :D

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